Backlinks remain crucial. 2022 won’t be possible without on-page SEO.
Google now prioritises user experience.
Today I’ll offer top on-page SEO tactics for increasing Google search traffic in 2022.
What’s On-Page SEO?
Optimizing website pages for Google and other search engines. Off-page SEO focuses on developing links, whereas on-site SEO fixes page-level problems.
Website success depends on on-page optimization. Without SEO traffic, it’s hard to improve sales or conversion rates, right? Everyone relies on Google to boost website traffic and sales.

Google’s best on-page SEO techniques for 2022
When you search online for On page optimization tactics in 2022, you’ll find too many and many don’t work.
Today’s post includes top On-Site SEO practises that work with Google’s current algorithms in 2022.
Google doesn’t consider Meta Keyword tags when ranking websites.
Ignore it. So you must be sure your website’s tips are consistent with Google’s latest algorithms.
On-page elements use HTML tags like Title, Meta, heading, image, bold, italic, underline, etc.
Our website content must use keywords naturally.
1.Write SEO-optimized titles
If you don’t optimise your titles for people and search engines, you won’t get more organic traffic.
If you can only focus on one On-site SEO aspect, make it this one.
When writing page names, use a keyword near the beginning. Your title should be 65-70 characters (including spaces).
Write clickable Title copy to increase CTR in SERPs.
Action Element: Use target term in title and consider CTR.
2.Short URLs are SEO-friendly
Your website’s URLs ought to clearly indicate the nature of the information they go to.
Accordingly, it is recommended that you employ keywords from your target audience in your URLs. If you want visitors to remember your URL, put your keywords near the beginning and keep it brief.
Please don’t use brackets, commas, plus signs, colons, semicolons, question marks, underscores, tildes, or any other special characters in your URLs.
Unoptimized Sample URL: (Gives no hint at the content type)
Optimised Sample URL:
Catch Point Element: Use your target keyword in URL and keep it Short.
3.Only one h1 heading tag on the page: Don’t Change This Headline Text
To begin, check each page of your website to ensure that the h1 tag (header tag) is present and in its proper place. You may verify this by looking at the HTML source code of any page on your site.
Before recently, the h1 tag was where you’d find the post’s headline in the majority of SEO-friendly WordPress themes. If you’re in the same boat, this is where you can and should employ your focus keyword once more.
Catch Point Element: Make sure there is only one H1 tag and target keyword should be there.
4.Use Targeted Keywords & LSI Keywords in H2 & H3 Tags
It is recommended to utilise the major keyword and its associated keywords (LSI keywords) in h2 and h3 tags in addition to utilising the primary keyword once in h1.
Let’s say that “On-Page SEO” is the most important keyword I’m aiming for in this post; I’ll make sure it appears in the h1, h2, and h3 tags at least once. In addition to this, I plan to use heading tags to incorporate keywords like “search engine optimization,” “off page SEO,” “optimising content,” “on page optimization,” “search engine optimization,” and so on.
Catch Point Element: Use Primary Keyword once in H2 and H3 tags as well once.
5. Use internal links to boost your search engine rankings and user interaction.
Adding links to related articles and pages within the material you’re creating is what internal linking is all about.
The more pages you have internally connected to, the more targeted traffic you will be able to send to those pages, and the longer your users will remain on your site as they continue to explore the relevant content you’ve provided them with through the links.
By doing so, you’ll be able to provide the connected pages with a boost in search engine rankings and credibility.
Better search engine results for the linked pages are a result.
Catch Point Element: Link to relevant pages for better search rankings and user engagement.
6. Primary Keywords Used Within the First and Last 100 Words
Keyword placement is really important when it comes about getting top rankings on Google.
It is advised to use your primary keyword once in first 100 words and then once in last 100 words of your content.
Catch Point Element: Primary Keywords Used Within the First and Last 100 Words
7. Ensure a Mobile-Friendly Experience on Your Site
Websites that aren’t optimised for mobile devices have seen their ranks drop in Google’s search results (Responsive design).
Google’s Page Speed tool allows you to see how well your website’s homepage and other internal pages perform on mobile devices.
Catch Point Element: All of your website pages should be mobile friendly.
8. Switch to HTTPS (Secure Sockets Layer) for Your Website
If you spend some time researching top results for any query in Google, you will see lots of https websites showing up.
Google is giving ranking boost to websites that are secure (on https version).
If you haven’t moved your website from http version to https version, do it instantly.
Most of well known hosts are offering free SSL configuration to their clients.
So moving to secured version should not be a much headache for you.
Catch Point Element: Make sure your website should be fully secured and all pages should be on https version.
9. Create a Catchy Meta Description to Increase Google Clicks
It’s true that search engines don’t place any weight on the words you choose to use in your meta description.
But most of time, Google used to show up meta description data as part of your website listing in search results.
So generating a decent meta description language could assist generate more hits to your website even if your website is listed below your competition websites in search engine result pages.
A fascinating video discussing the effect of title and meta description modifications on organic click-through rate has been posted by Matt Cutts, formerly head of Google’s web spam division.
10. Improve your search engine rankings by optimising your image filenames and alt tags.
You can get more people to visit your site from Google and other search engines if you use the alt tag.
In general, a large portion of your site’s traffic will come from Google Image Search if you include engaging images in your blog posts and use correctly optimised keywords on their alt tag.
Images should have titles that incorporate your chosen keyword.
Every image on your website should have alternative text in addition to having the term you’re targeting included in the image name.
It is important to provide credit where credit is due, whether you’re using an image from Google or another source.
Doing so will protect you from potential copyright difficulties. If you want to learn more about where to look for free, high-quality photographs to use in your blog posts, click here.
Before you add the next image to your blog post, you may want to use one of these free editing tools.
Catch Point Element: Optimize all of your website images (Names, Alt tag, Caption)
11. Improve Your Domain’s Trust Rank by Establishing Backlinks to Established Websites.
Outbound linking is also considered one of the major ranking factors in on-page optimization.
If you want to get better search results for your keywords on Google, try linking to trusted domains that are highly relevant to your content.
Google maintains TrustRank for each website, which is calculated on the bases of who you are linking to and what kind of websites are linking to you.
So whenever you link to external websites, make sure you link to websites and blogs having good Trust Rank in the eyes of Google.
Catch Point Element: Add few external links (Link to authority websites only)
12. Decide Which Internet-Based or Offline Version You Prefer
Determining whether the “www” or “non-www” version of your domain name should be used for the site’s front page and internal pages is essential to the canonicalization process.
That’s why it’s important that we stick to a single, stable version of the site and use a 301 redirect to send traffic from any other URLs back to the original.
In addition, we should only use the recommended version of a page’s URL when connecting to that page from another website.
If you’ve settled on the www version of your website’s pages, then all links to the non-www versions of those pages should be redirected automatically.
For this reason, we should always use the “www” version of our domain names when requesting links for our sites (i.e. non www).
Catch Point Element: Make decision about preferred version from Day 1.
13. Publish Original, Valuable Content
One of the most crucial On-page optimization tactics is providing readers with high-quality content.
It’s important to avoid plagiarising entire or large chunks of the content of other popular websites or blogs on the Internet while creating the content for your own website.
You are making a mistake by plagiarising the work of others, and you will be punished by Google for doing so.
There has been a significant crackdown on the usage of duplicate or low-quality content since Google’s most recent algorithmic adjustment in the form of the Panda Update.
Due to their delivery of duplicate material, Google has recently demoted many previously high-ranking websites.
- Consistently producing high-quality blog entries might be challenging; here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.
- Maintain a steady stream of content ideas that address existing issues
- It’s a good idea to check out what others have written.
- Stay up-to-date on the latest news in your field of expertise.
- If you want to avoid forgetting any of your brilliant blog post ideas, start a file now.
Catch Point Element: Write high quality content only and don’t copy even a single line of content.
14. Make Wise Use Of The Robots.txt File
Google bots can’t access your site’s pages and content without the robots.txt file.
We use the Robots.txt file to instruct search engines like Google to ignore certain pages and content on our site. Using this file, we may prevent search engines from indexing particular files, directories, and even a pattern of URLs.
There will be some categories of material on each site that we do not wish to be indexed. Through the use of the robots.txt file, we are able to accomplish this goal.
Catch Point Element: Block thin and duplicate pages using Robots.txt file
15. It’s Important Not to Overuse Keywords
When you use your target keywords multiple times across your website’s content, you are said to have a high keyword density.
The density of a keyword on a web page is determined by taking the total number of times the keyword appears in the page’s content and dividing it by the total number of words on the page. Once you have that number, multiply it by 100 to get the keyword density percentage.
So, let’s say there are 400 words on a page and the intended keyword “On page activities” appears 8 times. There will be a total of 2 percent of the term “On page activities” on that page.
If possible, keep the keyword density down to 1%.
Be careful not to overdo it, and always use LSI keywords (long-tail search-engine optimization keywords) in place of useless or irrelevant ones. You may read Matt Cutt’s thoughts on keyword density in this article.
Catch Point Element: Don’t think much about keyword density, write naturally.
16. How Quickly a Site Loads Is Crucial
Search engine giant Google has made a focus on a website’s load time as a major ranking element.
If you work on making your website faster, Google will reward you with a higher page rank.
This was our goal, thus we worked to have the entire site load in under 2 seconds.
The homepage of my blog loads in under a second, according to the GTmetrix test tool.
To see how quickly your website loads on desktop and mobile devices, you can use tools like Pingdom, WebPageTest, and Google Developers’ Page Speed Insights.
Please be aware that WPX hosting, where we are housed, is lightning fast, user-friendly, SSL-ready, and has its own CDN (WPX Cloud)
Catch Point Element: Make sure all of your website pages should load within 2 seconds for better Google rankings and user experience.
17. Add prominent social icons
Facilitate content sharing via social media.
Add relevant social media icons to your blog entries so readers can see and share them.
They’ll stick with you while you browse your interests (at Post level).
18. These 3 SEO Elements Are Vital
Most WordPress users forget important site features. Here are four SEO aspects any site needs to rank higher.
An XML sitemap comprises all your site’s pages and allows search engine spiders to simply crawl it. When you post or update, it’s easy to find on search.
Google Webmaster Tools:
Google webmaster tools monitor your site’s search results. If you just established a site or don’t have access, create an account ASAP.
Free reports, tools, and resources to improve your site’s performance.
This plugin finds your website’s broken links. Broken links are hard to find and impossible to verify routinely.
A plugin can discover and fix all your dead links. To improve search rankings, install and utilise this tool to remove undesirable or broken links.
19. Promote strategically
Most bloggers only focus on on-page SEO and forget about off-page SEO, such as getting links from other blogs and social media submission.
Here are a few things I do after publishing each blog post. If you want to double your website traffic, do the same.
Post in discussion groups: You can submit your blog posts for free to blogging forums like, Blog Engage, Blokube, etc., and get a nice social boost in return.
Put up on social bookmarking sites: Social bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Digg, Stumble Upon can send you a lot of traffic if you have compelling headlines.
Publish on your favourite social media:
Make sure to send your blog entries to all of the major social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc., as soon as they are published.
When done right, viral content and attention-grabbing headlines can drive a lot of people to your social network platforms.
Write in a conversational manner:
Avoid using a formal, businesslike tone while writing content.
It’s guaranteed to drive your audience crazy. Use the word “you” frequently and stay away from jargon.
Keep your language straightforward, and any reader should be able to understand what you’re saying.
Make use of a call to action:
Can you tell when a post of mine is coming to a close? Each of them concludes with a rallying cry.
I hope that you, the reader, will engage with the stuff I post by leaving comments or starting new ones. If you want to increase user engagement, utilise the same method.
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